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Updated June 23, 2020

Your safety is our highest priority, and we understand the importance of having a solid plan in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The Crofton Dam Race committee has the following procedures in place. We ask that all volunteers and race participants adhere to these guidelines. 


SAFETY OFFICER: Katie Tramp, Captain of the Crofton Volunteer Rescue Squad, will be our designated safety officer. This is a new role. Along with having ATV and ambulance crews along the race route, Katie will also help our team, participants and spectators adhere to our COVID-19 Safety Plan. 


REGISTRATION: Pre-registration will be held at the Crofton Haymarket (not at the State Rec Area) and will adhere to social distancing guidelines allowing six to register at a time and keeping doors open for ventilation. We’ll provide a participant list to the Health Department in the future if necessary. Our goal is that this will NOT be needed. 


PRE-RACE MEETING: To prevent large crowd gatherings, a pre-race meeting will be available via Zoom the night prior, July 24, for all participants and volunteers. 


SCREENING: In the days leading up to the race, our committee will do the following screening procedures for both participants and volunteers:

  1. The week prior, we will send an email encouraging participants to stay home from the race if they have symptoms (fever, sore throat, dry persistent cough, shortness of breath, new loss of taste or smell, etc.). We will work with the participant on a full credit of their registration fee if they stay home because of illness.

  2. During the pre-race meeting, we’ll ask participants to report symptoms (fever, sore throat, dry persistent cough, shortness of breath, new loss of taste or smell, etc.)

  3. Participants will be required to sign a Hold Harmless Agreement (provided by the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission) the night prior to the race. 

  4. We will immediately send individuals who are symptomatic home and encourage them to be tested for COVID-19.

  5. If there is a possible exposure of COVID-19 at our race, we will inform all participants and volunteers via email provided in registration.


SPECTATORS: We ask that participants invite only immediate family to watch at the starting line-up. To encourage social distancing of at least 6 feet, we’ll post signage and offer plenty of space to spread out. 


KAYAKING: As in past years, we will provide kayaks and paddles to those who need them. Kayak flights will be spaced out at least 10 minutes and sprayed with sanitizer between each use. Kayaks will also be spread out on the beach 6’ apart. Participants are asked to bring their own life jackets and not allowed to share.


TRANSITION/STAGING AREA: To adhere to social distancing guidelines, we will increase the size of our transition area. We ask that a limited number of participants go into the staging area at a time to place bikes on racks and stay at least 6’ apart. We don’t anticipate this being a problem during the race, since the transition is in constant movement and the flights have been spaced out accordingly. Bikers are not allowed to share equipment, water bottles or helmets.


WATER STATIONS: Based on recommendations from the DHHS, we will again have disposable cups at water stations. We will also have bottled water at the starting line-up. Athletes are encouraged to bring their own water bottles as well.


SANITATION: Bathrooms, porta potties and other public spaces will be sanitized according to the Health Department guidelines, every 2 hours. Hand sanitizer will be available to all participants, spectators and volunteers. Each athlete will receive an individual hand sanitizer to carry with them throughout the race.


PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Volunteers will wear masks and gloves, provided that is still the guideline at the time of the race. 


FINISH LINE CELEBRATION: As in past years, the finish line celebration will be held mostly outside covering one city block on main street. Participants can go inside Crofton’s Haymarket (occupancy 275) to pick up meals, beverages and use the restrooms. Athletes are encouraged to sit at outdoor picnic tables distanced 6 feet apart in groups of 8 or less. The staff at the Crofton Haymarket, a licensed caterer, will serve food and beverages directly to patrons, using tape on the floor to keep patrons spaced 6 feet apart. There will be no self-serve condiment or drink stations. Athletes and their guests will pick up their meal and eat outside where there will be plenty of space for seating. 


Most importantly, we will work with the team at the NCDHD, Lewis & Clark State Rec Area, the DHHS, and the local health officials to ensure we are providing a safe outdoor event for all.

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